In case of new circumstances in connection with an already adjudicated by the Ethical Committee case оr in case of procedural ommissions , both sides of the claim have the right to appeal in front of the Appeal Committee.

The main objective of the Appeal Committee is to review new circumstances which, by themselves or along with previous reasons for decision, could lead to another decision significantly different from the one of the Ethical Committee. The decisions of the Appeal Committee are final and are not subject of further appeals. 

The Appeal Committee has a 3-year mandate and consists of 13 members, appointed amongst prominent professionals from the advertising industry and other professions as well as from various scientific communities and NGOs. 

The members of the Appeal Committee act on their own conscience and convictions and observing the rules of lack of conflict of interest. The committee members do not represent neither the interests of the members of the NCSR, who in fact vote the Ethical Code, nor the organisations who have suggested them for  members in the Appeal Committee. 

In case of conflict of interest, every member of the Appeal Committee has the moral obligation to claim disqualification from the case. In case of conflict of interest, both sides are entitled to require disqualification of the respective member of the Appeal Committee.

Any information, be it in written or verbal form, that may be received in the course of the work of the Appeal Committee constitutes a trade secret and the members of the committee and the invited external experts are obliged by a confidentiality clause.

 Аpeals are subject to fee, defined by the Board. The fees are as follows: BGN 30 for individuals, BGN 150 for legal entities.

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IBAN: BG57 CECB 9790 10B2 6578 00

Members of the Appeal committee